Monday, December 9, 2013

Avamar and SQL Server Integration

Most SQL server versions are supported, but of course EMC recommends checking the compatibility list.  Of note is that SQL2012 is supported on Windows 2012 (Exchange 2010 on Windows 2012 is not supported at the time of this post).  As with any Windows application, the Avamar Client for Windows is required.  Also required is the Avamar Plugin for SQL Server, which used SQL VDI to perform backup.

Avamar supports SQL failover clustering by installing Windows agents and SQL plugins on both servers, then running the Avamar Cluster Client on the active node.  When installing on SQL AlwaysOn Availability Groups, the Cluster Client is optional because Avamar will pull data from either node.

The SQL restore will do full, differential and transaction-log (incremental) backup, as well as multi-stream backup.  It will restore an instance, database of filegroup to the original location, to a different instance on the same server, or to an instance on a different server.  You can restore the original database with a new name to the original server, or you can restore the database that is lost or corrupt with the transaction log intact.

Options to control the restore behavior would be to use tail-log backup, point-in-time restore or SQL Server recovery operations.

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