Friday, July 19, 2013

Random items of review regarding Access Control Lists

Just a few things I picked up yesterday that I wanted to jot down before I forget again:

  1. Fast path switching in NAT/PAT is indicated by an asterisk when running a show ip nat translations command.  This has nothing to do with NAT, but indicates that the switching was done based on the initial packet asks for a port and subsequent packets use that same port.
  2. access-group is used in applying ACLs to an interface, access-class is used in applying ACLs to lines
  3. Dynamic Access lists allow a router to create an ACL based on user credentials.
  4. Limit the number of telnet sessions in the line command, such as line vty 1 to limit to a single session
  5. Static NAT allows connections from the outside and are always in the NAT table
  6. Always pay attention to the source and destination in an ACL, especially where ports are concerned - do not limit based on source port, but rather on destination.
  7. Extended ACLs should be placed on the interface nearest the source, whereas standard ACLs should be placed nearest the destination.

More thoughts as they arrive...

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