Monday, March 17, 2014

Back in the saddle

It's been a nice little vacation from books and labs and studying, but it's now time to get back on the horse and continue expanding my knowledge.  I have been struggling to begin as of late, having picked up the CCNP Route  642-902 certification material but finding it difficult to get moving on it. 

But I started this morning, with a refresher lab where I built a simple EIGRP-routed network and went through the verification of that protocol.  I'm amazed at how quickly these things can leave my mind when I'm not focused on it daily, and pretty glad that as I configure EIGRP and start looking at verifying its function that it comes back to me equally as fast.

So while I have nothing new to report today, I'm started to get pumped for the education I'm about to receive and equally as pumped to put this in practice.  I'll give updates regarding my progress and in my typical Mason Education fashion, I'll be narrating the things I learn and pick up.

Stay tuned for more geeky goodness and routing voodoo!